As a former coach, I love creating action sports portraits that capture the essence of athletes’ hard work and glory!
Capturing only the best of the best during this epic time!
Experience celebrating YOU!
See more of the LPJ photography difference.
The great thing is that regardless of the settings or occasions, what I love most about my job never changes: when my subjects see their images, they feel FAMOUS, BIGGER than LIFE… and doesn’t everyone deserve to feel that once in a while?
The messages about what society thinks is beautiful are ALL around us, aren’t they?
Media sources are constantly feeding into our insecurities by showing us highlight reels of the lives around us.
People only post the best of the best online and companies chime in by showing us impossible standards as they tell us we can get there if we would only buy their product.
Our minds might tell us those beauty standards are lies but we compare ourselves to them anyway. At least I know I do.
We know the images that aren’t real but beat ourselves up when we don’t measure up. At least I know I do.
But if the social media standards of beauty we consume are mostly lies, then what IS true Beauty?
Team 2025 and their moms came up with some thoughts about that. They chose to actively think about what is true, and agreed to be transparent enough to share those thoughts with us.
We use Project Beauty to show that our value and worth is defined neither by our flaws nor the polish and shine we use to hide them. We are all perfectly imperfect, created for a purpose. And there is BEAUTY in that.
This is year 7 of Project Beauty Challenge, and the challenge is simple, but not easy: Our team members choose to set aside their insecurities and be photographed with no makeup, with the understanding that I won’t alter their pictures with any beauty edits.
I work hard in my work as a photographer to make only subtle changes to the people in my photograph. It is important to me that we keep the essence of who they are in their portraits… but I DO make changes to the pictures I deliver. The idea is that I want my clients look like themselves on their best day.
My rule of thumb in retouching is: “if it wasn’t there two weeks ago, and if it won’t be there in two weeks… it won’t be in your portraits either.”
The reason for that is simple. If we are chatting face to face, you may not notice that I have a zit on my cheek, but in a portrait that is something that will be immediately noticeable.
But that zit doesn’t change the value of who I am. Neither does the fact that I have more lines on my face and more fat on my thighs at 53 than I did at 33.
But don’t just listen to me… hear what Team 2025 has to say about it:
“My definition of beauty is the blend of qualities that uplift the spirit not only within ourselves but in others.
Beauty to me can be found in the kindness of a smile, the grace of a gesture, and the authenticity of a person’s character because we are all different but when put together it makes up something special.
Beauty transcends physical appearance and is reflected in the love, joy, and compassion we share with the world and one another.
I do not normally wear makeup but for shoots I do so this was completely different from me.
I am thankful for Lymarie for showing all of us in this team that beauty is so much more than makeup or others peoples point of view of us.. instead we focused on the aspects that we have and she embraces them.”
“Beauty is often seen as a physical attribute, but its true meaning goes far beyond just your appearance. Real beauty lies in the qualities that make a person unique and authentic, such as kindness, empathy, and resilience.
It’s the ability to inspire and uplift others, to show compassion and understanding even in difficult times. Beauty is found in the way someone carries themselves with confidence and grace, and in the genuine connections they form with others. Ultimately, beauty is a reflection of your inner character and the positive impact YOU have on the world.”
Maecy’s mom, Michelle added:
“I believe beauty is made up of so much more than outward physical appearance. It’s what’s in your heart. It’s how you speak to people and how you treat them. It’s how you show up for others and expect nothing in return. It’s doing good when no one is looking. The old saying “beauty is only skin deep” still holds true to this day.”
“True beauty to me is being naturally who you are and being proud of it.
Beauty isn’t all about looks or what makeup you use to cover up your “imperfections” it’s about who you are as a person and what you do with the traits given to you.
Being who you are is the most beautiful person you could ever aspire to be.”
“True beauty, to me, has nothing to do with wearing makeup and having your hair done nicely. True beauty comes from within you. It is being kind, caring, and compassionate towards others. When you are able to treat yourself and others kindly, you radiate beauty.
I enjoy wearing makeup. Sometimes I feel like I cannot go out without wearing it, but I have learned that I do not need makeup to be beautiful. Everyone has flaws and things about themselves that they want to cover. When you have inner beauty, the flaws do not matter because your beauty shines from inside you.”
Natalie’s mom, Tonya had some wise words too:
“Our hearts reflect true beauty through our personalities and behavior. True beauty is represented by happiness, laughter, friendliness, kindness, and being genuine. True beauty is shown through engaging with others and helping others. Although we may sometimes focus on our outward appearance, our actions show the true beauty that exists within us.”
“To me true beauty is somehow both a feeling and a meaning. The thing about beauty is that you start to see it when you stop and allow yourself to acknowledge it. Beauty is in EVERYTHING, always there hidden in plain sight!”
“Beauty is something that goes a lot further than what meets the eye!
I think a shoot like this is so beautiful every year because as a young woman, especially living in this society, it is sometimes hard to reach certain beauty standards.
Many girls tend to rely and fall back on makeup, even though they are all wonderfully and beautifully made!
Seeing everyone with their natural faces still having fun and radiating confidence was truly amazing and so inspiring to see! I hope others will be motivated to be bold and go natural more often!”
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