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As a Senior Portrait Photographer, I ensure my clients are comfortable by incorporating their passions into the session with props and activities which both help to reveal their personalities and set them at ease. For more on what to expect, see my Client Guide.
Starting in 2017, I am excited to be able to offer to take care of “Design and Submit a Senior Yearbook Ad” off the “to do” list of items for my Seniors and their parents.
I will design a 1/4 page, 1/2 page, or full page ad specifically for each Senior, and submit it to their Yearbook Staff for them. All my Senior and their parents have to do is put a big check mark beside that task, and tackle the 999 other things left to be done.
On Christmas Eve, amid family hustle and social media’s negative review of 2016, I choose gratitude. Reflecting on growth at LPJ Photography, I’m thankful for clients who trusted my creative vision. I believe in appreciating the year’s hidden treasures and I’m ready for a hopeful 2017.
A photographer reflects on her empowering experience with an extraordinary but shy client, Kristy, which inspired them to share their work broadly, resulting in a published piece. They encourage others to take risks and value their unique contributions.
A photographer reflects on a lifeguarding job that revealed a talent for teaching, shaping their approach to coaching clients in posing for photographs. Different techniques create optical illusions and are employed to craft a beautiful and natural images, reinforcing the idea that photos can indeed lie, but with purposeful and skilled guidance.
A mother reflects on her son’s journey from infancy to the brink of college, treasuring each stage and mourning the passage of time. As she contemplates the shift in her life, she cherishes the memories captured in pictures and expresses a mix of joy and sorrow, encouraging her son to build on his dreams as he steps into adulthood.
As summer ends, high school seniors gear up for their final year, eagerly anticipating senior photo shoots. The photographer offers tailored preparation tips for wardrobe and styling. Emphasizing fun, the photographer to make unique, representative portraits that capture this milestone life season.